Recent content by MMorris666

  1. MMorris666

    [SOLVED] Should I go back to console gaming?

    errr, I don't think you understood what I was saying and i'm not sure what you're getting at?
  2. MMorris666

    Question Headset stuff.

    have you tried reinstalling the driver from asus website (if it has one)
  3. MMorris666

    [SOLVED] Should I go back to console gaming?

    always wondered about lefties. what keys do you use?
  4. MMorris666

    [SOLVED] Should I go back to console gaming?

    must admit i skimmed thought it, it was the platform bit that through me lol. i remember before there were fps games, i imagined what it would be like to play a in first person perspective. it was scary how close doom came to what i dreamed up.
  5. MMorris666

    [SOLVED] Should I go back to console gaming?

    no, fps games. i was above average on console, my aim is fine on pc but have no confidence in my movement. i tried for a few years to learn k&m but i just stick to controller now. games like warzone and destiny 2 are made with controllers in mind so its a pretty level playing field. i only use...
  6. MMorris666

    [SOLVED] Should I go back to console gaming?

    Thats close to me, life long console gamer but i don't have trouble with the mouse, it's keys i can't get my head around. Movement suffers massively.
  7. MMorris666

    News Benchmarked: Do Windows 11’s Security Features Really Hobble Gaming Performance?

    On alder Lake I wonder if this is something that the e cores could handle while they use the p cores for games
  8. MMorris666

    [SOLVED] Games run extremely slowly on Windows 10 PC

    also there is talk of prices going up from next gen, the tiers will also be higher though. so this gen 3070 is equal to 2080ti. next gen 4070 will be equal to 3090. these are just rumours though.
  9. MMorris666

    Question Shadow problem in all games

    maybe its an option on the nvidia control panel then
  10. MMorris666

    News Rare Earth Metal Pricing Skyrockets, May Result in Higher Electronics Pricing

    and when china rolls over taiwan, tsmc will become the property of the ccp...
  11. MMorris666

    News Chip Price Hikes to Result in Higher Retail Pricing

    tsmc worth over 500 billion 11th richest company on the planet...