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      mocanet replied to the thread Question Live backup PC.
      Thanks! I'll definitely check out Veeam. And I don't really need real-time replication. Something that replicates on a several...
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      mocanet reacted to jeremyj_83's post in the thread Question Live backup PC with Like Like.
      That makes a lot of sense. For your way of not having to pull down backups from a NAS you might want to talk with a company like Veeam...
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      mocanet replied to the thread Question Live backup PC.
      That's a good idea. I'll have to check the software licensing though, as there are a lot of restrictions on that. At my price point...
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      mocanet reacted to jeremyj_83's post in the thread Question Live backup PC with Like Like.
      AVX for computers stands for Advanced Vector Extensions. These are SIMD (single instruction multiple dataset) instructions that increase...
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      mocanet replied to the thread Question Live backup PC.
      I think maybe I didn't do a good enough job at explaining my requirement, or maybe even thinking it though myself before posting...
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      mocanet replied to the thread Question Live backup PC.
      Wow... great replies guys. I guess I shouldn't have waited 12 hours to check back! This is an active forum. I'll try to answer some...
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      mocanet reacted to kanewolf's post in the thread Question Live backup PC with Like Like.
      My first recommendation is that you should have a on-site spare. That way you don't have downtime and you have a test host for...
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      I operate a business that mostly depends on design by simulation relying on constant operation at very high CPU utilization of big...
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