Recent content by MrBanana

  1. M

    $600 gaming/ editing budget pc

    Is this MoBO any good ? and what is wrong with the bio-star one that was in original build?
  2. M

    $600 gaming/ editing budget pc

    Are there any other good ones that are closer to the price of the biostar one
  3. M

    $600 gaming/ editing budget pc

    There are a bunch of bad reviews on the mother board though
  4. M

    $600 gaming/ editing budget pc

    how does this look for a editing/gaming pc?
  5. M

    $600 gaming/editing pc

    how is this for a $600 gaming/editing pc?
  6. M

    $550 gaming/editing pc

    The reason I chose this is it is in a combo I can't change anything without losing the $80 discount. I was wonder if it is good or I might as well just ditch the combo and go with a different $550 build
  7. M

    $550 gaming/editing pc is this a good gaming/editing pc or am I better of ditching the combo and go with a fx 6300 with a 7870?
  8. M

    $600 gaming/editing pc

    ok thank you
  9. M

    $600 gaming/editing pc

    does this have heat sinks on the VRMs ?
  10. M

    $600 gaming/editing pc

    What do they look like this is my first build?
  11. M

    $600 gaming/editing pc

    how can you tell if there are heat sinks on the vrm?
  12. M

    $600 gaming/editing pc

    how is this for a $600 gaming/editing pc? CPU AMD FX-6300 3.5GHz 6-Core $109.99 Motherboard MSI 970A-G43 ATX AM3+ $69.24 Memory Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 $56.99 Storage Sandisk 64GB 2.5" SSD $64.98 Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM $59.98 Video Card EVGA GeForce...
  13. M

    $600 budget gaming/editing pc

    how is this for a gaming/editing pc?
  14. M

    $550 Gaming/ editing pc

    ok, overall how is the computer for gaming/editing?
  15. M

    $550 Gaming/ editing pc

    how can you tell which is better for editing?