Recent content by Mystic Mac

  1. M

    AMD A8 7600 with GTX 1050 or RX 460 2gb?

    If you have a a8 7600 dont upgrade to an i3. Go for an i5. Old i5 like 2500 is better than newer i3. About your question there might be small bottleneck on a8 7600 + 1050. But its too small you wont even notice the difference. Buy a 470 if you plan to upgrade to i5. But if not then 1050 or rx...
  2. M

    will a8 7600 bottleneck rx 460/ gtx 1050

    If you'll use a rx460 then there is no point of buying more expensive cpu. The a8 7600 is capable enough for that gpu. And its a quad core so you'll be just fine. Avoid the dual cores. You'll be having stutter party especially on newer games. And based on you're question you said you'll buy the...
  3. M

    Is an APU a8-7600 would bottleneck an 1050 ti 4gb?

    No it wont. A8 7600 is a decent quad core cpu if you disabled the integraded r7240 and add a dedicated gpu like 1050 or 1050ti. Dual core processors will make the game stutters especially on a cpu intensive games.