Recent content by nate.fink2

  1. N

    Case recomendation for new build

    I am looking for a case recommendation Goal: Fit 3 gpu's on z370 Gaming Carbon ATX Mobo I need to upgrade my power supply as the one I have now is failing. I figure this is as good a time to upgrade my case as well since I will be rewiring everything. I currently have 2 gpu's hooked up in my...
  2. N

    3 GPU Case Recomendation

  3. N

    Memory Cache/Optimization of high end parts

    Thanks for the advice, I will look into finding a Win 10 ISO file. So far i have ran fine booting with the M.2, but you never know when the problem will pop up. I am XMP enabled in the bios Also Ram is set to 3000, will check to confirm that is where it is running
  4. N

    Memory Cache/Optimization of high end parts

    Here is my rig set up : I am not computer illiterate, but I am not an IT genius either. I am looking for the best way and ideas to optimize this system. I just completed this build after splurging on some seasonal deals. I had to clone the Kingston SSD...
  5. N

    i5-3570 Upgrade GPU Advice

    I am looking to upgrade my GPU first in my PC, with the future in mind. I want to get the best possible card this CPU can operate, knowing that a CPU/Motherboard upgrade is next and so on. I am looking at the GTX 1070 or 1060 but would go higher if my computer can handle for the next year or...