Recent content by NewPCgamer403

  1. N

    Question NZXT BLD extreme frame drops

    It’s an NZXT gold 650.
  2. N

    Question NZXT BLD extreme frame drops

    SPECS: Ryzen 5 3600 2070 super G Skill Trident Royal 3600 650 PSU m22 Kraken cooling Let me first say I know I can send it back but I am trying to avoid this since I live in Canada. I also do not want to be away from it for long. I am having problems with what I think is my GPU...
  3. N

    Question NZXT BLD extreme frame drops

    SPECS: Ryzen 5 3600 2070 super G Skill Trident Royal 3600 650 PSU m22 Kraken cooling Let me first say I know I can send it back but I am trying to avoid this since I live in Canada. I also do not want to be away from it for long. I am having problems with what I think is my GPU. After...