Recent content by nexusparties

  1. nexusparties

    Lord Of The Rings Online can i run this? Use this it's legit you will need to download their monitoring program and it will tell you with any game if you can run it or not.
  2. nexusparties

    ethernet controller missing

    Under network adapters there is only my wireless adapter that's the only thing listed
  3. nexusparties

    ethernet controller missing

    thats the only thing that's wrong I upgraded to Windows 10 recently and yes that's what I'm downloading
  4. nexusparties

    ethernet controller missing

    windows 10 64-bit you can click the cpu-z banner and see my entire computer in case you need anything else.
  5. nexusparties

    ethernet controller missing

    yes there is a link light and it is plugged in on both sides.
  6. nexusparties

    ethernet controller missing

    Says: The realtek controller was not found. if deep sleep mode is enabled please plug the cable.
  7. nexusparties

    ethernet controller missing This is what I'm getting after trying to install the drivers.
  8. nexusparties

    ethernet controller missing

    I have an asus M5A97 mobo and I have always been using my internet wirelessly until I recently discovered a way to hardwire my computer, but my ethernet connections are missing under my network connections and I've tried everything for ethernet controllers that I could find if anyone could help...
  9. nexusparties

    laptop building help

    I need help building a laptop I simply need to find the outer shell and the parts to build it with I know the components I want just not the shell any help will be great.
  10. nexusparties

    Fan making an tic, tic sound??

    Could be a cord hitting it, or possibly something caught in the fan. If those aren't the problems then you're fan is probably going bad, or check the screws to see if they are loose.
  11. nexusparties

    [SOLVED] Mac OS virtual machine

    I am currently running windows 7 64-bit and I want to create a virtual machine on my computer running Mac OS X maverick but I can't seem to get it to work any help?