Recent content by Nick_30

  1. N

    PC skips POST splash screen on startup. Unable to get into BIOS with GPU installed.

    I'm having the same exact problem! I'm using MSI z97 Gaming 5 and I noticed it might just be an issue with the monitor because when I plug my PC into my TV I am able to actually see the BIOS splash screen. Still though, I'd love to know the fix so I can see my BIOS splash screen on my monitor....
  2. N

    No BIOS display???

    Hi Everyone, So I recently purchased a new Samsung 144hz monitor and I'm having trouble getting the BIOS screen to display on it. The monitor only boots up from sleep mode when windows has booted up. I also plug my PC into my TV to see how it boot and everything works correctly on my TV. Any...
  3. N

    Help finding windows 7

  4. N

    Help finding windows 7

    Where can i get an authentic copy of windows 7?
  5. N

    Window 7 question

  6. N

    Window 7 question

    Is is possible to get a copy Windows 7 that isn't and OEM? I've been looking everywhere.
  7. N

    Pick your favorite!

    I'm building my first rig and now all I need is a monitor! IPS? TN? Should I attempt to game in 1440p? Please help your boy out and post a link below of what monitor you think would best suit my first rig. Budget is $300. Your monitor choice will also be determining if i game in 1440p or not...
  8. N

    IPS vs TN Panel

  9. N

    IPS vs TN Panel

    Hello guys, I'm having a really hard time deciding which monitor to get. I've been looking at some youtube videos and I absolutely love the way IPS monitors look compared to TN panels but I can't decide if I want to sacrifice that refresh rate of 120/144hz (as my budget is $300). This monitor...
  10. N

    Help with choosing an OS

    Hello everyone. I'm looking to pick up a copy of windows 7 and I see some copies going for $200 and other copies going for $50. I believe the cheaper copies are OEM's. I've heard that OEM's lock onto all your hardware so that it ensures the OS will only be used on one specific computer or...
  11. N

    Can I game in 2K?

  12. N

    Can I game in 2K?

  13. N

    Can I game in 2K?

    I'm thinking about picking up a 1440p monitor so I'm wondering if one Radeon R390 is enough? Will I have any trouble?
  14. N

    Is there a significant difference between a monitor and a TV?

    I'm debating between getting a TV as a monitor for my first gaming build because i'd like to have the larger than life feel and most monitors I have been looking at (that are 27 inches or bigger) have seem to be pretty pricey and have got me thinking I might just want to grab a TV. I know I...