Recent content by nikolai995

  1. nikolai995

    Question 7950x3d voltage idle vs game

    tsmc n4p oxide breakdown when vcore go over 1.2v
  2. nikolai995

    Question AMD RYZEN 9 7950X3D PB Voltage Fluctuation ?

    but this voltage are "OK" i don't understand the problem, i've with msi board idle voltage 1.3, when load under 1.2.
  3. nikolai995

    Question 7950x3d voltage idle vs game

    Hi to all, this is my setup PC: MSI B650 Tomahawk Lexar 16gb x 2 6000cl30 hynix a-die (i've trying r9 9900x and now 7950x3d) With 9900x pbo -30, shaper (med,high,max freq.) -20, undervolt override -0.0850 this cpu have 1.22 to 1.3 volt (more when watt consume go high) The 9900x STOCK give...