Recent content by ninjaKO

  1. N

    Does Corsair H70 work with Ryzen 1600X?

    Hi, I'm planing on buying some new hardware today and I've been looking at the Ryzen 1600X. In my current system, I use the Corsair H70 and after searching Google for an answer, I've come here as I still have doubts. So to my question, does the H70 work with the 1600X or do I need a new...
  2. N

    ASUS Strix-GTX960 Overclocking

    I'm trying to overclock my GTX960 and am having some problems. I use ASUS GPU Tweak V in professional mode on Windows 10 . When I select one of the standard profiles (OC Mode, Gaming Mode, Silent Mode) it shows the new values but when I click the apply button, the values sets a lot...
  3. N

    AMD FX-8150 - More CPU usage = more stutter in games

    I just changed the polling rate to 2000 and Overwatch kept minimizing, and the stutter when I managed to keep it open was crazy.