Recent content by nitroxc

  1. N

    Strange buzzing sound

    Took my headset off while gaming and noticed a buzzing sound. Really unsure where it is coming from and was wondering if you guys could help figure out what it is. Specs: Xeon X5650 OC'd 4.4ghz Asus P6T deluxe (latest bios) 2x4gb Corsair vengeance LPX 1600mhz ddr3 inno3d X2 gtx 1080 1tb HDD...
  2. N

    Motherboard Too Hot

  3. N

    Motherboard Too Hot

    Hey there, Recently I got an Asus P6T Deluxe (X58) and have an I7 920 OC'd on it @ 4ghz. I noticed earlier that my clocks had gone down to 2.4ghz and so I quit my game, ramped up my fan speed and a few mins later they returned to 4ghz. I touched the the big heatsink in the middle of the mobo...
  4. N

    i5 3570k & 780 ti - High CPU Usage??

    Space engineers has alot of physics and mathematical calculations that are done to make it the game it is. It is a very cpu intensive game, so yes 100% load in a game like that is fine.
  5. N

    Very high temps under load (I5 3570K)

  6. N

    Very high temps under load (I5 3570K)

    Right my MX-2 finally arrived today and I reseated the cooler with new thermal paste. Before I reseated I did an IBT can got 85c. After I reseated I did the test twice, first time getting 80c (5c impovement) and second time I got 82c. So it seems that I have simply lost the silicon lottery and...
  7. N

    Getting "WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR" and high idle(60-70c)/load(100c) temps i7 4790k

    I don't think its anything to do with the fans being dusty mate. Try taking the cooling block off the cpu and reseating it with some decent thermal paste, making sure the block is making full contact and is on nice and tight. It sounds like atm the block isnt making good contact with the cpu or...
  8. N

    Very high temps under load (I5 3570K)

    Yes I know 80c is fine for the cpu but the thing is it shouldn't be nowhere near that high on stock with custom air cooler. I'm gonna order some good thermal paste and try reseating it, if it doesn't drop the temps then ill look elsewhere.
  9. N

    Should i buy the 1080 with my rig? With i5 3570k

    I've got the same cpu and I'm gonna be running a 1070 and triple 1080p screens. The cpu overclocked will do just fine and shouldn't bottleneck the 1070, I don't imagine it would bottleneck the 1080 but im unsure.
  10. N

    Very high temps under load (I5 3570K)

    not 1.8v sorry, 1.08v. Although I did just test it and i put boost to 4.2ghz and It wouldn't boot until 1.2v which is strange because I remember running it at 4.2ghz and 1.08v when i first got it.
  11. N

    Very high temps under load (I5 3570K)

    I was messing around with the voltages a while ago, and I managed to get it stable at 1.8v at 4.2ghz however I took it off because 93c really werent safe. Also I know IBT puts alot more stress than usual on the cpu but I know for a fact at stock voltages with a hyper 212 pretty much no cpu...
  12. N

    Very high temps under load (I5 3570K)

    Really? I've heard it's only really okay for slight overclocks? Also I think I will get a 240mm AIO anyways with some noctua fans because the stock fan on the hyper 212 is a bit too loud for my liking when its running at 1500rpm
  13. N

    Very high temps under load (I5 3570K)

    I know how to do it, not really sure if I want to risk it though Do you think it could be an issue with the thermal paste? When I applied the heatsink the thermal paste I was using (that came with the heatsink) had been opened once before, shut and then left for like 2 months before I used it...