Recent content by niya_sy

  1. N

    Graphic Card Motherboard choice/setting a new workstation

    Hello KKAW, I have found your last tips here. Was impressed first by the upclocked R9,yet their network adapter is consumes Watts like a monster. So I chose the 970, being a bit more expensive, yet with only 400W. Have just picked it from stock today! Curious how it goes when I assamble the...
  2. N

    Graphic Card Motherboard choice/setting a new workstation

    Hello KKAW, Thank you for the fast response. I have called some computer parts suppliers . THe card is out of stock at least here, in Bulgaria, and they are not willing to order it anymore. They have suggested me R9 380 by Sapphire. II have checked it online and my concern is that this 380 is...
  3. N

    Graphic Card Motherboard choice/setting a new workstation

    Hello KKAW, thank you for the fast reply. I have made some research online the card you suggest. Sounds promising. What I find is R9 by MSI/PowerColor/Asus/Gigabyte/Sapphire R9 280x... Which one do you recommend or have good experience with? Best Regards, Niya
  4. N

    Graphic Card Motherboard choice/setting a new workstation

    Hello KKAW, first thank you for the response. I cannot see your comment as helpful, since this is a gaming card and I need an advice for a graphic card suitable for visualisations and short animations. Also I would appreciate it if anyone shares opinion on how to choose the motherboard. Now I...
  5. N

    Graphic Card Motherboard choice/setting a new workstation

    Hello, I am using Maya,Max,rendring in mental ray and vray/ grasshopper script, adobe package/psd,AE/ and plan to set a new workstation. Open also for recommendation to narrow the choice of rendering to one option/software! My plan is the following configuration: Model Mainboard: H97 S1150...