Recent content by noodly

  1. N

    Files deleted from C drive also deleted from backup

    Well, it's been a few years so evidently I must have done something else. I do see see my file history on my G drive which is partitioned on that same hard drive. The only other thing I would have done would have been to use Windows software to make a backup.
  2. N

    Files deleted from C drive also deleted from backup

    I believe I simply copied the files to another drive.
  3. N

    Files deleted from C drive also deleted from backup

    I am trying to make some space on my C drive in Windows 8.1. I had backed up my photos to a second drive on my computer, which is my F drive. I was deleting the photos from my C drive but they simultaneously went into the trash from my F drive as well. I happened to be looking as I wanted to...
  4. N

    Noob Partitioning Questions

    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback. The recovery partition on the ssd was created by Xotic PC who set up the hard drive with Windows 8 when I bought it. What do I need to do to put that on my hard drive? Just copy and paste? Should I partition for that to keep it separate from everything else so...
  5. N

    Noob Partitioning Questions

  6. N

    Noob Partitioning Questions

    Hi. I just bought an Asus N76VJ and I now have an SSD as primary at 250 gigs and a secondary HDD with 1 TB of storage. I'm using Windows 8. I also have an external 1TB HDD drive for backups. I would like to use the second as storage for most of my files such as docs, pictures, music, videos...