Recent content by novacbane

  1. N

    Which cpu cooler to get for Corsair 300R case?

    ok so which 120mm air cooler can I get for around $30-40 that would work for my case and mobo? Considering I've tried the thermaltake frio silent and nic 5.
  2. N

    Which cpu cooler to get for Corsair 300R case?

    Yes, 240mm coolers aren't able to installed at the top of case. For example, the h100i v2 cooler. Are there any cheaper, single ones that are able to fit?
  3. N

    Which cpu cooler to get for Corsair 300R case?

    I'm currently in search for a cpu cooler that will fit my corsair carbide 300r and the z270 motherboard. I had recently bought the thermaltake NiC5 and Thermaltake silent frio 12, but both of them didn't fit the motherboard for some reason. Which corsair single radiator liquid cooler would fit...
  4. N

    Will the H115i fit the Corsair 300R?

    Could I mount it on the top as well?
  5. N

    Will the H115i fit the Corsair 300R?

    I'm considering purchasing the H115i, but haven't seen any reviews online. It seems the H110i is able to fit in. If anyone has any experience with 280mm coolers could let me know. Thank you.
  6. N

    Which sli bridge to use?

    What sli bridge should I get for a pair of msi gtx 1070's to run at 144hz?
  7. N

    How well will this build be able to play on 1080p?

    Well I'd like to stream as well whilst playing any game.
  8. N

    How well will this build be able to play on 1080p?

    I'm planning to build this soon and need some advice. I mostly play fps games at 1080p and need a constant 144fps+ and above. What could the expected fps be if I were to play BF1, OW, RB6 at low settings? Also, will my PSU have enough cables to provide for the sound card and an extra 1080 if I...
  9. N

    Will my build play games well at 1080p for a few more years?

    My build: The 980ti is the G1 variant. Will I be able to play games like BF1, Rainbow six siege, OW at 144+ fps and above? I'm considering playing at a resolution of 1920*1080 on low settings. What would the fps be like then? Please advise. Thank you
  10. N

    Should I upgrade or build a new pc?

    Hello, I'd like to run Rainbow six siege at low-medium settings at 144fps and above in order to accomodate my monitor. Should I upgrade the video card or build a new pc altogether? Current setup:
  11. N

    Need Upgrade Help

    Budget of around $400 for both processor and motherboard. I can go a little bit more above than that if needed. What cpu + mobo would you recommend to buy for the upgraded build?
  12. N

    Need Upgrade Help

    So would I upgrade the cpu and motherboard as well?
  13. N

    Need Upgrade Help

    Hello, It's been a few years since I've built my computer and I feel that it might be the time to upgrade some parts. What parts would I need to upgrade to run the latest games and more specifically run Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege at more than 144fps? This is my current build. Please advise...