Recent content by Onion_Stub

  1. O

    should i buy a new one

    little back story... so im currently using a gigibyte h87(?) mobo since i wasnt interested in overclocking. i have been getting more and more interested in over clocking lately so im lookin at replacing it. ok, now the reason i am willing to do it now instead of wait a bit. im a big fallout...
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    gaming laptop for niece

    im looking for a gaming laptop for my niece with a budget of $300, 400$ if needed. the most intensive game would be minecraft and sims. medium graphics are fine, its her first pc so im not shooting for the stars yet, any help will be appreciated.
  3. O

    tablet help pls

  4. O

    tablet help pls

    I dont know if this is the right place for this, so my apologies if it isnt. I am looking for a tablet to watch netflix/youtube, and read some manga on when im in bed. Im not too wild about the price tag that comes with apple, but if its best, ill get it. Gaming isnt a huge concern, but it would...
  5. O

    audio problem pls help

    Case: corsiar 550d Mobo" gigabyte h97 dh3 Headset: hyperx cloud Problem: i hooked my front panel audio wire like they told me to in mobo manual (bottom left of the board as it is in case). but i can only hear out of the left ear of my headset. anyone have an idea of what i did wrong?
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    Need helpata cable

    im a moron x.x i had them in my hand and set them down 20 times, cause they werent red......ty for helping, imma go pretend im not this dumb.
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    Need helpata cable

    I got an antec 620m power supply. Im new to pc building, so i wann amake sure im riggh tbefore i contact them about this. It says it comes with 3 sata cables, i have 2 that fit the bigger plug in on the hdd, but not the red smaller one that connects it to the motherboard. Am i wrong in thinking...
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    router and speed question.

    cable (mediacom) missouri. smallish town, so i dont see much dip in speeds.
  9. O

    router and speed question.

    sweet, any advice on a good router?
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    router and speed question.

    i will connect my pc to the router with ethernet, and no more than one other using the wireless to stream netflix.
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    router and speed question.

    i have the option for either 50 or 100 mbs internet speed. Is the 130$ price for 100mbs worth it, or would 50 be plenty? Also, i need some suggestions for a wifi router that isnt too pricey ( preferable at or around $100). I know i wont be getting the full speed with wifi, but im only using it...
  12. O

    1080p gaming pc

    ok, 280x is, and ill let the new ones next year settle a little then get one. Thank you for the help, MUCH appreciated.
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    1080p gaming pc

    Sweet, so another question, how long can i get by with the 280x, cause i can get a 780 if i wait another paycheck or two. But i was told thats overkill for 1080 and the 280x is a better buy. This true, or should i just wait the extra time? Sorry for all the questions, and ty for the help.
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    1080p gaming pc

    will i be better off goin amd for a little cheaper build? If so, how much difference is there between amd and intel for gaming/netflix use.
  15. O

    1080p gaming pc

    Ok, i am wanting an i5 4690, with a r9 280x, and id like to get it as close to 800 dollars as possible. I am not interested in oc'ing the cpu. What i dont need: a case,keyboard,mouse,or monitor. im looking for 1080p gaming with as many fps/high settings i can manage. Will be playing WOW, Day...