Recent content by oscyjack53

  1. O

    Help choosing between 4 dimm options

    Im helping myself here and saying only option 1 and 4 are viable, and i dont think the difference is worth $50 to me, a gamer. Thanks anyways, would still be curious to see responses hehe
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    Help choosing between 4 dimm options

    Hey all. I over analyze and id like some help choosing the best option here under the guise of "performance per dollar" I am putting together my new build, and I can't for the life of me make a call between the following 4 (seemingly the same, but the timing is different). Please and thanks to...
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    Plex server - CPU upgrade

    Thanks for the quick response!
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    Plex server - CPU upgrade

    Currently refreshing my personal rig. My Plex server currently runs on an and fx6 Core something or other. It was cheap and it's way outdated. Available to use in it's place, I have an i7 4770k, or an i5 7600k. Curious is one would be clearly better than the other for the application. The main...
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    Ultrawide - LG vs Alienware

    I ended up with the LG fwiw. Very happy with it.
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    Ultrawide - LG vs Alienware

    So i've been in the market for a new monitor. I joined the ultrawide club last year with an LG 29" freesync ultrawide in 1080p and I absolutely love 21:9 for the FPS games I play. So i've been wanting an upgrade with higher refresh rate, 100+. I had narrowed down my choices down to two monitors...
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    Asus Strix RX480 8gb value?

    I got a GTX 980ti hybrid from a buddy. Would you all agree it is an upgrade from the rx480 in relation to gaming? This should allow me to now sell my rx480 :).
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    WTB Top tier GPU AMD or Nvidia RX480,580 295x 290x GTX970 Through 1080

    OP, <Removed by moderator> <Per the forum rules, all negotiations to be carried out in PM's only>
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    Asus Strix RX480 8gb value?

    I wish I had a card to get me through the period of selling and waiting for the market to correct haha. thanks for the advice guys
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    Asus Strix RX480 8gb value?

    I'm looking to upgrade my GPU for gaming a bit. I was going to crossfire this card with a twin, but the prices seem to have gone quite high. I'm curious to know if AMD cards are inflated due to mining again, and if so if it might not be a good time to upgrade. Anyone care to comment? If it is a...
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    New IT firm at work, question on privacy

    Thanks all for the quick answers, appreciate it. wicked Creepy haha. Is there a solution to keeping my privacy when I wish to? in regards to personal gmail account
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    New IT firm at work, question on privacy

    Thanks for the reply TOR aside, as that isn't my concern. In plainer english, would the employer potentially be able to see my non work related emails as they are written? Or just that I am using gmail and sending messages to and fro. The laptop is my personal computer, the network...
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    New IT firm at work, question on privacy

    Hello all, I work at a local small business, I use my personal laptop via the companies WIFI. Recently the company has hired a new IT firm charged with monitoring our internet. First and foremost, I don't do anything that would be considered wrong while at work. At most, a few forum visits...