Recent content by pcdudedude

  1. P

    Is it OK to unplug UPS everytime I plug something in?

    I shut down and unplug my pc daily (due to random thunder storms) Should I power off the ups before I unplug the pc? The again when I plug the pc back in? Please don't tell me about surge protectors or debate my methods, I've have two expensive PC's struck by lightning and destroyed in the...
  2. P

    Comcast xfinity DNS Issues!

    So this is exactly what is happening, any help would be highly appreciated. I have xfinity Internet, 75mbps: down/ 12 mbps: up/ 12ms ping. This is pretty fast, yet everything take like 2 minutes to load. Sometimes things don't load at all. I've done speed test and my connection is working...
  3. P

    Strange Harddrive noise, Is this normal?

    Brand new Hitchi Harddrive, Everytime it is reading or writing it makes this sound. Sounds exactly like the one in this video clip but it sounds a little louder.
  4. P

    DR! Doctor! Do my hard drives look healthy?

    I've noticed that when I transfer files between my two hard-drives, the transfer speed is anywhere between 3MB/s to 130MB/s. is this normal. Also, The hitachi HDD makes some grumble, thump noises only while in use. No screeching of anything just wierd grumbles. Here are some pics of my drives...
  5. P

    [New PC Build Recommendations] i7 4790K MSi GtX 970 4GB

    Air cooling will be fine as long as you don't do any extreme over clocking.
  6. P

    [New PC Build Recommendations] i7 4790K MSi GtX 970 4GB

    I have almost this exact same set up. And I spent $1300 on mine, and I didn't even get liquid cooling. So I would say you are getting a good deal. Anyway, my rig runs fine. Perfect actually, I had a few hiccups but they were my own fault and I fixed them easily. My Temps are also very good and...
  7. P

    Is it bad to leave Computer off for a month?

    I am going to be away for a month. I have an expensive gaming PC, Is it bad to shut it down, unplug it and leave it off for over a month? Someone told me that the Cmos battery could go bad. Someone else told me that thew PC should be turned on for at least 6 hours a day. Also, Since I am...
  8. P

    Is it bad to turn pc off 3 times a day?

    Basically where I live, we get flash thunderstorms out of nowhere about 3 times a day. Everytime a storm pops up I unplug everything due to the risk of lighting frying my pc. Is this harmful to shut down and reboot the pc so much? Please don't recommend a UPS or surge protector because I have...