Recent content by PCN00B123

  1. PCN00B123

    Question PC turnts itself off after 30 seconds

    Yep, that did it. I realigned the USB springs and everything seems to be good now. Thank you :)
  2. PCN00B123

    Question PC turnts itself off after 30 seconds

    Just checked and even though I can't see any springs in the usb ports I did notice that one of the usb ports seems broken inside, however I can't remember if that's been like that for a while. View:
  3. PCN00B123

    Question PC turnts itself off after 30 seconds

    I've unplugged all usb devices from the pc and tried booting up again, same message. I've seen people saying this could be a possible motherboard failure. It's just weird how it happened after the PC got moved a bit.
  4. PCN00B123

    Question PC turnts itself off after 30 seconds

    So when I turn the pc on after removing the gpu and turning on the monitor this happens. What does ''USB device over current status detected" mean and what should I do? I cant even get into BIOS
  5. PCN00B123

    Question PC turnts itself off after 30 seconds

    Yeah everything is seated right just made sure now. Im not really sure what to do in this case
  6. PCN00B123

    Question PC turnts itself off after 30 seconds

    i5 4440 gtx 2070 8gb ram so yeah think it does have integrated graphics. I will have another look if anything got moved around just to be sure.
  7. PCN00B123

    Question PC turnts itself off after 30 seconds

    So my dad took my brother's PC and got it back today. However, now it only turns on for about 35 seconds, with what sounds like the fans at full speed. It then proceeds to turn itself off, and during this, there's no display at all. I've seen people online with similar problems assuming it may...
  8. PCN00B123

    Question Best Value 1440p Monitor?

    Unfortunately, it doesn't ship to the UK. Thank you for the suggestion anyway.
  9. PCN00B123

    Question Best Value 1440p Monitor?

    Current new build - I5 12400F RTX 4070 I heard that I am potentially bottlenecking my GPU with a 1080p display so I'm wondering whats the best-valued 1440p monitor I should buy?
  10. PCN00B123

    Question Looking to buy a new PC! - I need your help

    Thanks all for the help. The new PC build has been ordered.
  11. PCN00B123

    Question Looking to buy a new PC! - I need your help

    I really appreciate all the build suggestions. What would be the best AMD alternative GPU? I only insisted on an rtx because I've never once owned a radeon card and I've always just liked the Nvidia label.
  12. PCN00B123

    Question Looking to buy a new PC! - I need your help

    I'm not too fussed about the refresh, to be honest. This system is great but I'd hopefully be looking at maybe a bit cheaper. I wouldn't even mind a 4060 with maybe a slightly cheaper CPU than the one you listed here. I know it would be easier if I gave a budget but I'm trying to gauge my budget...
  13. PCN00B123

    Question Looking to buy a new PC! - I need your help

    Sorry, I'm not too sure what you mean. I already have a PCIe 980 with wake 2 installed, which I'm going to use for the new build.
  14. PCN00B123

    Question Looking to buy a new PC! - I need your help

    Apologies if i'm living up to my username with this question. Would the I5 12400F cause any bottlenecking with a 4070?
  15. PCN00B123

    Question Looking to buy a new PC! - I need your help

    Well, I was just going to stick my current one into the new build so I didn't have to buy another.