Recent content by ph0b0s123

  1. P

    Can You Get Flash Without Adobe? Meet DivX Plus Web Player

    Wow, what a puff piece. About that software came out over 6 months ago. Even the graph which is supposed to show how much better this software is for playing flash shows that CPU utilisation is the same if not worse than without. The article did also not mention that most have binned this...
  2. P

    Epic Shows Off Mind Blowing Next-Gen Graphics

    Another tech demo, yawn.. Wake me up when a PC game comes out using this stuff. As has already been said there won't be a game that looks this good as this will all be removed so console players don't get left out. Really, people minds were blown by seeing what modern PC's are capable of, but...
  3. P

    Adobe Flash: A Look At Browsers, Codecs, And System Performance

    This all very nice, but I am still using Flash 9 for, all videos that cannot be accelerated / machines with hardware that does not support acceleration. On my lower powered machines it allows flash streams to be played without stutter in comparision to 10.1. With 10.1 the video stutters a lot...
  4. P

    Analysis: PhysX On Systems With AMD Graphics Cards

    "When comparing early VGA games with today's popular titles, it’s amazing how far we’ve come in 20 to 25 years." Reading this made me feel really old. It has not been 25 year since I got the first comercially avaliable 256 color vga game can it, I thought. It was Star Trek V - Final Frontier...
  5. P

    GeForce GTX 580 And GF110: The Way Nvidia Meant It To Be Played

    For those of us with pre DX11 cards, i.e the most likely to be interested in an upgrade. How are we supposed to see the comparison of performance verses our cards when all benches are DX11.... Article is no help to me deciding whether to upgrade my 285 SLI setup or not, will look elsewhere....
  6. P

    Three Aftermarket Graphics Coolers On GeForce GTX 480

    CleeveThese coolers will likely raise the internal temps above what the stock cooler would. OK, then I don't get the point of them if it means that keeping other overclocked components cool will be harder. Also from the looks of the 'fins' on these coolers, most of that hot air will be being...