Recent content by POLR

  1. P

    Feature GPU Benchmarks Hierarchy and Best Graphics Cards

    Please can you update Intel arc charts with newest drivers or can you put a list down the gpu chart which driver you used as a list?
  2. P

    fx-4130 is supported by gigabyte 880gm-ud2h ( rev 1.0) ?

    yes I saw, but if it is not supported why is listed? gigabyte told me that is supported but I dont trust, has anyone tried?
  3. P

    fx-4130 is supported by gigabyte 880gm-ud2h ( rev 1.0) ?

    I have a gigabyte 880gm-ud2h (rev 1.0) , in the cpu support list at the end of the page says fx-4130 but says since bios version N/A the latest bios is F8 my motherboard...
  4. P

    gigabyte 880gm-ud2h (rev 1.0) can support fx-4130?

    I have a gigabyte 880gm-ud2h (rev 1.0) , in the cpu support list at the end of the page says fx-4130 but says since bios version N/A the latest bios is F8