Recent content by popatim

  1. popatim

    Question which one of these SATA SSDs have you used?

    Google the exact Kioxia model to see if it has a dram cache. The other 2 do not and I would not use them as my primary drive. See whats on the local used market. There should be plenty of good ones as many people are switching to Nvme m2 drives.
  2. popatim

    Question Overall upgrade didn't go well, moving mouse and keyboard dramatically decreases FPS ?

    What does GPU-z say your pcie slot is running at? For speed, pcie version, and pcie lanes?
  3. popatim

    Question Overall upgrade didn't go well, moving mouse and keyboard dramatically decreases FPS ?

    Whats speed is the infinity fabric at? should be 2k What socket is your nvme drive in?
  4. popatim

    Question Micro-stuttering issue on brand new PC ?

    I don't see Kingston listing your ram as being compatible with that motherboard. it goes from 5600 to 6400.
  5. popatim

    Question System not booting after installing new graphics card

    Probably a gpu vbios issue, it was common with the rx580's
  6. popatim

    [SOLVED] RTX 5080 Running at 4x PCI 3.0 Lanes ?

    While you're correct about the bandwidth, what happens is that all 16lanes of a pcie5 slot will "downgrade" to match the spec of the card installed. The reverse is true also if you insert a v5 card into a v3 slot. Ain't modern computing great! :)
  7. popatim

    Question 100% disk usage on new build ?

    The 'deleting itself' issue has me thinking this is a fake drive. That is the kind of behavior they do when you try to put more on them than they actually have space for.
  8. popatim

    [SOLVED] RTX 5080 Running at 4x PCI 3.0 Lanes ?

    Remove power, then remove the GPU, and clean its contacts. Reassemble and test. Enter the bios and make sure bifurcation for the slot is turned off.
  9. popatim

    Question QHD @ 100 Hz over HDMI on a nVidia GTX750 (1GB memory, non-TI, card made by Gibabyte)

    75hz according to this thread:
  10. popatim

    Question 3060 underperforming

    Make sure your NVME drive is in the lower M2 slot if you have one, those lanes come from the chipset and not the CPU. Make sure your GPU is plugged into the uppermost PCIE slot, closest to the CPU. Make sure your display is plugged into the GPU and not theones on the motherboard. In your...
  11. popatim

    Build Advice Recommendations for parts for gaming ?

    What games are you hoping to play?
  12. popatim

    Question Cloning my WIN 11 "C" drive

    If your external drive is a dedicated external drive then writing images of your current drive to it is the way to go forward. You can keep multiple images on it in case the current OS & image have an issue that you didnt discover right off, then you still have a working image to fall back on...
  13. popatim

    Question PCIe 3.0 NIC versus PCIe 2.0 NIC ?

    Are you sure its not 10Gb's? B = Bytes b= bits (and 8 bits make a Byte)
  14. popatim

    Question want to purchase a 3d printer that can print exact replicas of people that would stand 8 inches high to be placed on the m

    'exact' replica's? I dont think they make such a printer yet. The most I've seen is an 5 color printer so far.