Recent content by price_th

  1. P

    Looking for a specific monitor

    These are ASUS models that come in true 144Hz but they are pricey. 600030620 50001315 600030958&isNodeId=1
  2. P

    Should I combine my 2 GB Ram with 4 GB ram

    Problem you will have is if you look at the specs for each you will notice one is 1333 MHz and one is 1600 mhz. What will happen is your faster RAM will be forced to a max. speed of 1333 Mhz. While not major it will degrade your max. memory performance.
  3. P

    75Mb/s speed test, 900KB/s actual download. What is going on?!?!

    I've seen something similar with End Point Protection. Local network copies were for crap. Try disabling you Virus suite as a test from a clean site.
  4. P

    how good gaming pc i can build with this ram??

    You won't, not with today's MOBOs
  5. P

    Intermittent Popping Noises

    The surge may have fed in from the speakers power source and just blown a channel. Sound cards are cheap compared to a new MOBO
  6. P

    Drive Write Speed

    For a HDD sure. SSD not so.
  7. P

    XP BSOD on backup to NAS

    I'm leaning toward some failing hardware. I don't know if the NAS could cause a blue screen. May just come down to a driver issue too. Run some diags on the RAM and harddrive for starters.
  8. P

    Intermittent Popping Noises

    All bets are off when it comes to blackouts. Without a really good surge protector or UPS it may have caused circuit damage. As for capacitor being the cause, its more likely a trace wire damage or a transistor in the IC chip which gives you signal gain. In any case go out and buy a sound card.
  9. P

    New motherboard wont load system.

    If I read this correctly you are connecting a drive from one system board to another of similar nature. If so, you may need to set the bios to boot from the correct drive as it may be a boot order thing. Also make sure the bios can see the drive.
  10. P

    Cant reach bios gateway sx2855

    Did you try the Delete key?
  11. P

    White underscore/cursor on boot

    It's a diabolical plot by Microsoft. What ever it is it cant be good.
  12. P

    2nd Bluescreen error in a month, what do?

    Check for a memory.dmp file in the windows folder. It can be analysed for a cause. Hard drives and RAM are usually the biggest culprit. And drivers.
  13. P

    Windows 10 or Linux for college laptop?

    While Linux will do what you need generally as well as Word, you may encounter support issues from whatever college you are looking at. Window 7 is still out there for purchase, you just might not find vendors still willing to sell with windows 7 eg Dell, HP etc.
  14. P

    Messed up OS transfer from normal drive to SSD

    As long as you didn't touch the original OS drive, you can clone it until the cows come home. Ghost can clone from a larger drive to smaller. You just need someplace to put the image file while doing so.
  15. P

    Computer Dead Locked?