Recent content by QuadPimp

  1. QuadPimp

    64bit os and 16gig mobo wont go past 3.25 ram?

    Try swapping the 2gig stick for 2x1gig sticks,it may be because your only using 3 lanes and not 4.
  2. QuadPimp

    Want to overclock more need help

    Just make sure you keep an eye on your temps with that voltage.
  3. QuadPimp

    Help me overclock mi i7 rig:p

    You've go some high end stuff there so i would recommend getting rid of the stock cooling and get liquid and then "FILL YA BOOTS" as they say. O/C a system of that spec should be a doddle. Stock volts and up the multiplier. See what you get, keep an eye on temps at all times when your o/c...
  4. QuadPimp

    4870 OCing?

    I too have an Ati card but i have the 4870x2. When i first got the card 3 months ago i noticed that when i was in CCC my card looked like it was set to 507mhz on the core & 500mhz on the memory,so i asked the question, WHY? If your in a 2D application then the card backs itself down as it does...
  5. QuadPimp

    Water Cooling - Doing it the right way.

    i agree with richardscott, I'd go with custom cooling as i've tried the kit way and although it wasn't too bad,i have much better temps with the setup i have now. I have: MCR220-QP Res Radiator with 4 x 120mm fans, 2 on each side in a push-pull configuration attached to a Swiftech Apogee...
  6. QuadPimp

    Safe Settings?

    Just my 2 peneth, It's not the speed that kills the hardware... it's the voltage. Check on your hardware manufacturers websites for the correct voltages and stick to them... That is unless you get yourself some very good cooling. I use water myself but i still stay pretty close (ish) to the...
  7. QuadPimp

    Can intel motherboards overclocked

    I have a GA-X48T DQ6 and it's not too shabby when it comes to overclocking. I'm running a QX9770 3.2GHhz @ 4.3Ghz with custom water cooling. I think maybe the slightly older Intel boards may not have been so good,but the newer ones are ok. Here's a link to my 3DMArk06 score so you know i'm...
  8. QuadPimp

    Want to overclock more need help

    I agree with stridervm, I think it something to do with your RAM. Try loosening your timings a little,this worked for me. I have :GA X48T DQ6 4GB DDR3 OCZ Flex XLC 1600mhz QX9770 3.2Ghz @ 4.3Ghz Custom water cooling..... But i could not for the life of me...
  9. QuadPimp

    What temp to trust?

    Hey there groo, I would try and find out what the TJMax setting is for your CPU and then adjust in Core Temp. You should get a more reliable reading then. It's the distance to the TJMax setting that's most important as this is pretty much the shut off point for your CPU.