Recent content by queencocobrown

  1. Q

    Hi everyone!!!! i7 for non gamer

    :bounce: Please excuse my manners. I would like to thank everyone who has replied to my question. I really appreciate it. I am still learning a lot about computers and this site is a great help. :D Let me inform you guys that my hubby and I are still going to get either a quad core or i7. As...
  2. Q

    What is the difference in speed between the i7 and quad core??

    :bounce: Hi again. I just want to know what is the difference in speed between a i7 2.66 ghz and quad core 2.66 ghz? If I just surf the net, download videos and music and play an occasional game every now and then, would i see the difference? :D I know. I know. I posted a couple of days ago...
  3. Q

    Hi everyone!!!! i7 for non gamer

    :bounce: What is encoding and if I get a dual core now, do i have the opportunity to upgrade it to quad core if i need to and if so, how much would the upgrade cost?? :pt1cable:
  4. Q

    Hi everyone!!!! i7 for non gamer

    :??: Okay. I'm still a bit confused. If I get an i7, would it give me a faster cpu opposed to a quad core processor? I just want to make sure that this puppy lasts for about 5 years or more without upgrade. Now, I do not know what the future is going to hold as far as computers are concerned...
  5. Q

    Hi everyone!!!! i7 for non gamer

    :hello: I am new to the Tom's hardware forum. I am a non gamer. In the future, maybe, I would like to probably play a game or two. However, I am sure it wouldn't be frequent at all. I know what you guys are asking. What do I use the computer for? Well, I like to basically surf the net. I like...