Recent content by Randa Ranoosh

  1. R

    Do you think 8ms monitor bad for gaming ?

    I want to buy 27inch ips monitor dell u2715h the input lag for this monitor according to tftecentral is 10 to 12 ms which as they said is ok for gaming but according to sell it has gtg of 8ms respond time . I use my PC for gaming like the witcher 3 battlefield 4 pubg but also photoshop and after...
  2. R

    while playing farcry primal and 4 GPU temp gets up to 75 C is that normal ? image from msi afterburner included

    when I see the temp that high I exit the game because I don't want to damage my gpu I have sapphire r9 390 nitro also I'm using latest amd drivers 16.8.3
  3. R

    BSOD with different causes, cannot determine the direct cause

    if it found error then you must change your rams or buy new ones .
  4. R

    do you reccomend to re instal windows after changing windows key (product key) ?

    ok I bought a windows 10 product key from the internet from a website I don't khnow if I'm allowed to write it here it worked and activated good but after 2 month I start to see a message telling me go to settings to activate windows the product key blocked by microsoft ok now I bought onother...
  5. R

    stutter in games with sapphire r9 390 nitro please help me fix it

    here is a graph from afterburner while the stutter happen during play the settlers 7 path to kingdom
  6. R

    stutter in games with sapphire r9 390 nitro please help me fix it

    I built that pc i7 6700k ga z170x gaming 5 g650 seasonic sapphire r9 390 I stress test the video card with valley benchmark I get max 190fps min 39 fps also I got some stutter while run the test now when I try to play the settlers 7 path to kingdom I get stutter every 5 seconds for a half...
  7. R

    Does move files between folders by hold and drag safe ?

    I have some folders with 100s of gb I want to move them to on other folder in same drive if I copy and paste it will take hours but does moving by hold and drag safe for windows and does not cause any damage to windows or registry and how it can move big files in seconds by hold and drag while...
  8. R

    a new sumsung 850 evo ssd FIRMWARE UPDATE EMT02B6Q do you reccomend to update ?

    do you recommend recommend to update my 850 evo to the latest FIRMWARE UPDATE EMT02B6Q also I wonder if I should update the firmware before installing the OS
  9. R

    Do I need to let my 850 evo ssd idle after secure erase and before re install windows ?

    Here is what I read exactly on the internet : Once you've followed these steps, you will need to let the drive sit idle for an extended period, ideally at least overnight. This will allow an in-built function called Garbage Collection to clean all the cells and effectively prepare the drive for...
  10. R

    I experience a delay, 3-10 seconds, when opening a folder or a program why ??

    I have ssd 850 evo 250 GB and 3 hard drives 1-hitachi 2-wd green 2 gb 3-wd blue 1tb sometimes when I open a folder or file in one of these drives I have a delay 3 sec why ?? desktop does not freez during the delay it is new build z170x gaming 5 i7 6700k g650 seasonic motherboard only show a0...
  11. R

    sometimes when i create a new folder in drive d or open program there is a delay of 2 to 3 seconds why ??

    sometimes as I said when I want to create a folder in drive D there is a delay of 3 to 4 seconds why ?? also sometimes also when I open a program my SSD there is a delay also why ?? it is a clean install note: desktop DOES NOT freeze when these delays happen
  12. R

    do i need to reinstal windows 10 before i start to instal all of my programs and games ??

    I installed a clean copy of windows 10 1 week ago on my new gaming build 1-I was doing some stress tests 2-I installed and uninstalled a same program from gigabyte 3 times (system information viewer) 3-and last internet explorer crashed 3 times on me with a message-internet explorer has stopped...
  13. R

    hwinfo64 report a CPU (VCORE) spike of 2V and 1.5V ?? realy ?? (video inside) please help

    thank you soo much sir for your help and your time just I need to ask just last question thank you I have an option in my bios I thing it is called cpu upgrade do I need to keep it on auto or set it to my i7 6700k so the bios will khnow that I have i7 6700k or that.s will not make any different ??