Recent content by Raul1

  1. R

    fans get loud, no display, video card not detected

    Everything seems to work fine until I launch a game. Videos run fine, 2d games like terraria run fine. When I launch a 3d game like trine 2 or archeage, i will either lose signal to my monitor, or my display will just turn black. Sometimes the fans will also start running really fast and loud...
  2. R

    fans get loud, no display, video card not detected

    Ok I'm getting a really weird problem before & after reinstalling windows. Everything I try to do is getting blocked. Downloads are being blocked, installing things isnt working, can't visit most sites because of 'expired certificates'. For example, On Internet Explorer I go to
  3. R

    fans get loud, no display, video card not detected

    Ok, before I read your post, and without doing any of that, I randomly decided to turn it on again, the integrated graphics werent displaying, and the video card magically started displaying again without the drivers installed. I got through the motherboard splash screen and loaded windows...
  4. R

    fans get loud, no display, video card not detected

    Hi, I was afk while playing the ArcheAge beta then suddenly hear my fans spinning really loud. I go check my monitor and there is no display, so i force shutdown my computer. When I tried booting up again it was quiet again but there was still no display. I got display using my integrated cpu...