Recent content by RayCal

  1. RayCal

    Gigabyte G1 Gaming Gtx 960 4gb or MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G

    Thanks guys for the response! if only i could choose you all as the solution :) I'll go for zotac 970 then :) God bless!
  2. RayCal

    Gigabyte G1 Gaming Gtx 960 4gb or MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G

    okay. so 380 and 960 dont have difference much.. so should i go to Zotac gtx 970 ZT-90101-10P? Zotac is the cheapest here in our Country and i have limited budget though. the price is only $310. Should i get it or stick with my G1 gaming 960 4gb? my only concern in zotac is the heat issues and...
  3. RayCal

    Gigabyte G1 Gaming Gtx 960 4gb or MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G

    in some Benchmarks though R9 380 is superior. :(
  4. RayCal

    Gigabyte G1 Gaming Gtx 960 4gb or MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G

    TJ HOOKER - MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G (4gb) the twin frozr face thingy. I'm thinking that also but the R9 380 have 256 bit. (i dont know if that matters alot.) 17 Seconds -I don't play Fallout 4. My games are far cry, GTA V, AC Syndicate , BF 4/hardline, DYing light etc. I don't use shadowplay...
  5. RayCal

    Gigabyte G1 Gaming Gtx 960 4gb or MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G

    Guys, just got my Gigabyte G1 Gaming Gtx 960 4gb 3days ago. And MSI R9 380 Gaming 4G has arrived today on the same store. Would it be worth it if i replace this to the R9 380? I asked the store,they're okay with it and i just need to add 13 dollars only. G1 gaming 960 4gb = $262 MSI r9 380 4gb...
  6. RayCal

    CPU got higher temps after installing Corsair H60

    I have this issue since I upgraded from Win7 to Win10. Done on the msconfig thing. Thanks buddy I'll do that since this so annoying. Thanks Joshua
  7. RayCal

    CPU got higher temps after installing Corsair H60

    Hi thanks for that I did a couple of restart and it run smoothly now.. my idle temp is 32c max load(prime95) = 61c I believed this should be fine. The only bothering me right now is my Windows 10, sometimes at startup CPU gets 80% workload and my temps rise up to 40-45c(this is what happened...
  8. RayCal

    CPU got higher temps after installing Corsair H60

    Hello guys, Just need your help with regards to my CPU. Just got my Corsair H60 today and installed it right away. And these are the results: Stock fan= idle: 32-35c max load: 65c-68c Corsair H60 =idle: 41-45c and Max load(Prime95) = 51-54c I used the fan on the radiator as intake. btw, this...
  9. RayCal

    GAME Stuttering when playing games

    Hey Geekward!!! Good news! I'm good now. I installed Win 10 Pro and everything goes smoothly. Awesome! Thank you so much! I just don't understand why on WIN7 everything is messed up. Anyways, important is everything is good. Ill buy the Corsair H110 by tomorrow, Thanks! WIN10 and you saved me :)
  10. RayCal

    GAME Stuttering when playing games

    Thanks buddy! Yes, updated drivers using my usb. never been using the cd's. Hey, i just want to add this scenario maybe you guys have an idea what's going on. right after I installed the i5 4460 this WINDOWS DESKTOP MANAGER HAS STOPPED WORKING error pops up. (1st time) I dont have problem...
  11. RayCal

    GAME Stuttering when playing games

    Hello, Thanks for your input. I did a clean install of Win10 yesterday and when I attempt to install the Nvidia drivers, it says that is not compatible. So now, again, I installed win7 Home premium (currently using it right now). I installed the NVidia graphic driver and Physyx. After this I...
  12. RayCal

    GAME Stuttering when playing games

    That's my next move since i dont have any choice for now. Will let you know soon as I finished clean install the OS. Would you recommend to stay in Win7 or should i upgrade? may i have your opinion?
  13. RayCal

    GAME Stuttering when playing games

    Yes no problem at all. I forgot to mention that after I installed the i5 4460 and the first time i boot it to Windows, I have this error (Windows Desktop Manager has stopped working) - actually pops up every time at first logon.
  14. RayCal

    GAME Stuttering when playing games

    Hi all, just need your thoughts and advise. Recently I bought an i5 4460 from my friend(2nd hand) Previously i had the G3258 which i dont experience stuttering in playing PES 2016 but in i5 YES. in i5 4460 which i expected to be performing well than G3258 but gets me confused. Like opening the...
  15. RayCal

    Very Slow System during installing games

    yes i have Malwarebytes. and my 1TB is 7200 RPM. Maybe its just my CPU.