Recent content by RobT49

  1. R

    780 SLI Build

    So I should just go with a 780 Ti and leave it alone until later? Any one in particular? I want to get the fastest one if I am getting one. The evga classy looked pretty good but if I can get those clocks OCing myself then should I get the normal vega version for cheaper?
  2. R

    780 SLI Build

    Hey all. I am building a new pc. My choices for my gpu are dual 780s. Should I upgrade to dual 780 Ti, or should I wait for the new architecture 800 cards, or stick with the 780's. Thanks. I am gaming on 2560x1080 and occasionally 1920x1080. I want to max everything including crysis 3 and metro...
  3. R

    Elder Scrolls Online graphics card

    If you don't have a price point, then Ill state the obvious that you should go with a GTX 780. If you want something a little less pricey then you could always try the new GTX 750 TI which has shown some great performance all around and its not very expensive either. You can find one on Newegg...
  4. R

    best gtx 770 available?

    It depends on what you are looking for. The 2GB version usually has faster clock speeds than the 4GB version. However, the 4GB 770 Classified from EVGA has some crazy clock speeds and its 4GB. It is more expensive than the competitors though and at a price of $449.00 I would just go with a 780...
  5. R

    I7 4770K Cooler

    Hi all, I just ordered a new system but the only component I have yet to add is a heatsink for my cpu. I want something with decent power and I was looking into the Corsair H100i. Is this a good choice to go with? I most likely wont be overclocking and if I do it will only be very little OC. I...
  6. R

    SLI 780 Build

    Thanks for the help guys. Ill check out those power supplies. How much of an overhead will I need on the power supply if I am going to be overclocking the 780 ti's? is 850 enough?
  7. R

    SLI 780 Build

    Hi everyone, I know questions like this have been asked before but I need help making final decisions. Im building my new pc and I have been trying to get the best I can for the money, around a $2500-$3000 budget. So far these are the specs I have picked, so tell me if i should get rid of...