Recent content by Ronsand

  1. R

    Boot up Problem

    Re Eternal Champion -- Drivers are updates and OS Drive was set as primary boot drive Re Storage Expert --- I have tried your suggestion without any joy Under the windows boot manager screen as mentioned previously there is a statement as follows:- TO SPECIFY AN ADVANCED OPTION FOR THIS...
  2. R

    Boot up Problem

    I built my desk top( first time)using an Asus M5A motherboard and windows 7 op system. Everything worked fine until I changed my Keyboard when I may have initially connected the keyboard to a usb3 port. The keybord is now connected to a usb 2 port. However when I now boot up I get a window...
  3. R

    Back up software

    I need to re install windows vista on my Desk Top toget to a clean start situation. I have backed up my files etc on CD/Memory stick. My PC operates Microsoft Office which was pre installed by the supplier {I have the product key). Is there any way I can back up Microsoft office and re instate...
  4. R

    New Build system

    thanks -- we are up and running - all ok so far?????
  5. R

    New Build system

    Thanks IRONBATMAN Just one last question. With regard to the CDs that come with the drivers I assume these will be installed after installation of the o/s windows 7
  6. R

    New Build system

    Iam preparing for my first computer build using. Atx Tower case, Asus M5A78LUSB3 motherboard,AMD Athlon 2X2 280 Processor, memory cards, etc etc including keyboard/mouse. I feel quite confident re building the unit and making all cable connections, However I am a little concerned about the last...
  7. R

    Integral Wireless Facility

    OK That is very clear -- Thanks
  8. R

    Integral Wireless Facility

    Does the Asus M5A78L-M/USB3 Have integral wireless facility and is this specified as Realtek 1x Gigabit LAN controller-- Clarfication would be much appreciated
  9. R

    Pwer supply Units

  10. R

    Pwer supply Units

    GPU will probably be fairly basic, considering, - considering an Asus Ge Force 210 1GB PCi Ex
  11. R

    Pwer supply Units

    I am looking for some guidance re the best/most economic Power Supply to use for my new build comp-- the motherboard will be an asus M5A78L/USB3
  12. R

    start up of new build computer

  13. R

    start up of new build computer

    I'm a first time builder and intend using an asus motherboard. My question is - do i need to modify the BIOS following installation of the Windows OS or will the computer run on default settings?