Recent content by Ruggo181

  1. R

    AMD ryzen- Which AsRock mainboard to get? X370 SLI killer or B350 Pro 4 ?

    Asrock are currently the most behind with supply, so the reviews aren't there yet. As Thomas81br said, the b350 is fine for overclocking. If I were you, I'd wait a little longer for A)stock to become available which leads to B) More reviews.
  2. R

    Whine Noise in Speakers

    Storx, as you would have found in your research, trying to eliminate RFI noise is a dark art. As a possible solution (not trying to waste your money), have a look at something like this...
  3. R

    AMD Posts Ryzen Community Update; Power Patch Coming

    "JONATHAN1683 Mar 14, 2017, 5:10 PM and AMD is barely figuring this stuff out now lol?" Obviously you weren't around with the Intel X99 fiasco, The one where some people are still having problems, lol.
  4. R

    Static Noise From My Speakers When Connected Trough Subwoofer

    As Americanaudiophile says, just because they work on one computer with no problems doesn't rule out that it could be a groundloop or other interference. Unless they were 2 identical computers, there will be quite a few components that could be adding to the problem. He has linked to a good...
  5. R

    HELP! PC to Receiver and TV (sound problem)

    You can get optical cable that length eg and the beauty of going the digital route is that there will be no signal loss/interference at all over that distance.
  6. R

    How can I make my LG surround sound system wireless?

    Can you add your system details i.e make/model of TV and other components.
  7. R

    Static Noise From My Speakers When Connected Trough Subwoofer

    I have some JBL monitors that I plugged directly to the 3.5mm on my soundcard. To fix my problem I used a ground loop isolator. Now because you're running straight out XLR, you could try something like this Hum eliminator I can't guarantee this will work, but it's worth a try as the humming...
  8. R

    Request for Advice - MP3 DSP S/w

    you'd be wanting to grab the encoder pack, as to enhancement, foobar has a nifty normalizer built in, by selecting files/files you wish to normalise you'll be using replaygain. There is a lot you can do but I haven't mucked around for a long time, the forums...
  9. R

    PCM and Bitstream: Which is more common?

    Sort of, except there's no such thing as compressed PCM ...... Anyhoo, I think you and I have different takes on Digitalised Audio, so we could to and fro forever and derail this thread, or agree to disagree ;)
  10. R

    Realtek detects speakers but no sound

    Were the speakers working fine, then stopped working? Have you tried plugging the speakers into another source, i.e. phone and seeing if there is sound? I'm thinking that the speakers themselves maybe broken.
  11. R

    PCM and Bitstream: Which is more common?

    It's really a question that you should be asking the source creators. They are the ones that decide which audio is being used. As to one being better than the other, well if a audio stream is properly decoded, I'd like to see a person in blind tests hear the difference.