Recent content by S15557

  1. S

    Any Bottleneck Here??

  2. S

    Should my friend have got a MSI R7770 GHz Edition 1GB GDDR5

    Yeah a 7770 at 1280x720 should be fine and BF4 its hard, cant say much. What cpu does he have?
  3. S

    Any Bottleneck Here??

  4. S

    Should my friend have got a MSI R7770 GHz Edition 1GB GDDR5

    BF3 and BF4 will be hard to play on that GPU, you can play it on low with a few tweaks. Gmod and Minecraft should be fine BUT his CPU also matters.
  5. S

    Any Bottleneck Here??

  6. S

    Any Bottleneck Here??

    Hey there, im kind of concerned about the performance im getting out of my PC. So on BF4 at Ultra settings with a resolution scale from 100% to 120% im getting about 30-40 FPS on outdoor maps. Even if I did put my resolution scale to 100% the FPS wont increase significantly, ALSO my monitor...
  7. S

    Facing problems sometimes when turning on my PC

    Do you hear anything else, I've never came across this type of problem.
  8. S

    Facing problems sometimes when turning on my PC

    PSU seems good enough to power all that, so its only the fans that spin right?
  9. S

    Budget gaming pc build help

    The build is nice, if I were you I'd go with a Pentium G3258, good overclocker and its almost the same as your i3.
  10. S

    Facing problems sometimes when turning on my PC

    What are your specifications? Is the 24 pin connector plugged in your motherboard properly?
  11. S

    Problem with CPU temps. PLEASE help!

    What's your case air flow configuration?
  12. S

    Should I replace my PSU?

    If your PSU is bad it WILL causes damage to your hardware, I'd say you get some better brand like Corsair, EVGA, Fractal, plus Coolmax sounds ghetto. Yeah get that Corsair, it will even help you OC cuz it more efficient than that Coolmax.
  13. S

    Can I play the games below?

    Jason found some pretty nice videos, in fact your PC could perform slightly better because of the 270"X". Also OC that G3258 and you'll see a big boost in performance.
  14. S

    Problem with CPU temps. PLEASE help!

    Did u try CoreTemp? Try it out and tell me if it works or not.
  15. S

    Can I play the games below?

    Yes you can, not so sure if you can play them on max settings but your hardware seems good enough. Also what resolution are you playing at? 1080p I'd say Skyrim is easy > high, GTA 5 might be a bit of a challenge > medium or high > CoD AW eats some good hardware too > Medium. Try those games...