Recent content by SacredBlood77

  1. SacredBlood77

    Is a 550w PSU enough for a Gtx 1070?

    I'm planning on getting an after market card and using at least the built in boost clock, and I also want to OC my i5 6600k to a very safe level. Will an EVGA G2 550w Gold Plus be sufficient? Also I have: Msi z170 m5 MOBO, 212 evo cpu cooler, Corsair vengeance lpx 3000mhz 2x8 ram, Samsung Evo...
  2. SacredBlood77

    When Will Newegg Have the MSI GAMING X GTX 1060 In Stock?

    Maybe you should consider a 1070, iv'e been seriously considering it this last week with these 1060 outages. Only thing holding me back is that I have a 550w PSU on the way and i'm not sure if that would be enough for the 1070. So i'm stuck here waiting for the 1060.