Recent content by safwanzilla99

  1. S

    Sata not detected, suddenly?

    So i set up my gaming pc last month with just a samsung evo 860 250gb ssd, it was my boot drive until i tried installing a 1 tb seagta barracuda hard drive, there was no response although the hard drive was spinning, so i tried clearing cmos & use different sata port still no response.. Finally...
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    Cheap thermal paste? Any good?

    So i came across this cheap thermal paste pack on Newegg, it comes with 4 pcs of them with a plastic spreader for only 7$, the reviews are all positive, One tube of artic silver 5 costs same but unfortunately they are not available here, How much of a difference can they make? Do thermal paste...
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    My first pc build, good?

    So im making my first ryzen pc for gaming & video editing, i want it compact so i went matx.. This is my setup: Please let me know if this will work out, and any suggestions will be very appreciated, Thanks in advance! Ignore the price.. Note: i will get...
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    Masterbox Q300l or 3.1 lite?

    At present these are my cheapest option, The 300l slightly smaller (which i prefer) and has a very good airflow with holes infront and top, But the masterlite 3.1 just looks stunning & has tempered glass.. Should i sacrifice looks for slightly compact case with better airflow? does airflow...
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    Is Newegg reliable site?

    Pretty much every product have atleast 20% bad reviews, dead cards, dead ram, failed hard drives, even reviews of Psu frying their entire computer! and all of these are on reliable brands like Evga & corsair.. Can someone explain?
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    Atx or matx?

    So im building my first Pc, i decided to go with ryzen, it has to be compact so i could easily carry it in a suitcase, i really like matx form factor but there are no decent matx motherboard for ryzen and their price is pretty similar to great atx ones like b350 rog strix (which is ridiculous)...
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    Used Gpu for gaming?

    msi afterburner stats of the gtx 1060, thoughts?
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    Used Gpu for gaming?

    Hi, this is my first thread & I'm building my first gaming pc, i want to get a good gpu that can give me 60 fps at 1080p, but parts here are quite expensive, So i managed to find out 2 sellers.. 1st one is offering Pny gtx 1060 3gb which he says was used for mining 2 months, he sent me...
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    Used graphics card?

    This is my first post, sorry if there are similar posts.. So im planning on getting Amd xfx radeon rx 480 gpu, but unfortunately they dont sell amd products here in country i live for some reason... But there are people online that are willing to sell theirs.. One of them used it for 2 months...