Recent content by SaltyPotato

  1. S

    CPU Cooling (Tough decission to make)

    Hi all, im having a really big problem. My CPU is constantly hot & gets overheated most of the times, I have asked around a bit and friends (that make their own computer) told me to: A. Get a new cooler (like B. Get a new motherboard...
  2. S

    Will RAM increase fps?

    Thanks for all the help guys! Im currently using 2x4GB. Ive watched MSI afterburner and its nothing with my GPU so i guess ill try to get new RAM; obvious i need ram because im always at 92% RAM
  3. S

    Will RAM increase fps?

    Hi, i currently have 8GB DDR3, whilst im gaming i reach around ~90% of my RAM, and i notice my games are lagging alot. Though im not sure if its because my CPU or GPU GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB CPU: Intel CORE i7 2600K Is upgrading RAM the solution? if so, what ram should i get?
  4. S

    is the i7-2600K a bottleneck for GTX 1060 ?

    I will be upgrading to the MSI GEFORCE GTX 1060 3GT OC next month (I currently have 750Ti), but will my processor (i7-2600K) be a bottleneck? Hope someone can help!