Recent content by sameem2001

  1. S

    Question Headphone jack it not reponding to my headphone. what shall i do?

    I tried that already. But again the same problem. And about the impedence that should be ok , because I had played many high quality audio supported games with that headphone
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    Question Headphone jack it not reponding to my headphone. what shall i do?

    I tried with other jacks but problem remains. I tried with all alternate method but still its not responding.
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    Question Headphone jack it not reponding to my headphone. what shall i do?

    Yesterday I was playing Darksiders 3 with with headphone enabled and working. After a while i got some buzzing/crackling sound through headphone and it stopped working. I thought may be its headphone's fault so tried to connect it to phone but it worked properly. So I uninstalled the nvdia sound...
  4. S

    Can Asrock N68-VS3 Fx support gtx 1050 ti?

    I was buying some techs for my brother for low end gaming for his birthday gift like GPU, CPU. But I realised that he was having an old motherboard Asrock N68-VS3 Fx. I was hoping to buy a gtx 1050 ti. So is it worth to buy a new graphics card?
  5. S

    Know price is to performance level of old hardwares!

    What if I bought a gtx 1050 2 gb instead of rx 550. What will be the performance boost comparing with rx 550 2/4 gb with fx 4100/4300.
  6. S

    Know price is to performance level of old hardwares!

    Ya, their is no exchange options here. So can't buy am4 motherboard any more
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    Know price is to performance level of old hardwares!

    Sorry friends but I already bought a AM3+ motherboard and I don't have much money to spend I have work with this. Please answer to the point because R3 1200/2200g is not affordable for me right now.
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    Know price is to performance level of old hardwares!

    I thought to buy a gift, some low end specs for gamming for my little brother. So I planned to buy AMD Rx 550 and Fx 4100. I want to know that how much fps can it give will playing some of the lastest games like MASS EFFECT 4, SHADOW OF MORDOR, MAD MAX at 900p with med settings and 1080p with...
  9. S

    Which better performer ryzen r3 1200 and gtx 1060 or ryzen r5 1500x and gtx 1050ti

    Thank you all for giving all these knwlodege. I planned to go with option 1 and may i will replace r3 with r5 next year.
  10. S

    Want to buy a high end gaming configuration under 30000 rupees

    Thanks for the suggestion. So at last concluded that i will buy r3 1200 , gtx 1060 gb and ddr 4 2166 mhz 8 gb ram
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    Which better performer ryzen r3 1200 and gtx 1060 or ryzen r5 1500x and gtx 1050ti

    I am planning to buy some of buy components for gaming like gpu, proceesor etc. But i got confused of which pair should i buy 1.Ryzen r3 1200 and Nvidia gtx 1060 6gb 2.Ryzen r5 1500x and Nvidia gtx 1050ti 4 gb I will handle these only for gaming so plz strictly answer for gaming
  12. S

    Choosing motherboard for brother!!!

    Instead of buying r3 should i buy i3 8100 or not ?
  13. S

    Choosing motherboard for brother!!!

    And what about overcloacking. How much i can overcloak r3 with these mobo?
  14. S

    Choosing motherboard for brother!!!

    Hey friends i have a doubt for buying motherboard. Next month i want to give a motherboard with proceesor r3 series to my brother as gift. So, help me R3 proceesors under rs.8500 am4 mobo under 6000 so oc of proceesor can be done till 3.8ghz
  15. S

    Want to buy a high end gaming configuration under 30000 rupees

    what about gtx 1060 or rx 480 4gb