Recent content by sapreaper

  1. S

    [SOLVED] 100% Hard Drive Spike Causing Lag

    Doubtful as you only see some "spikes" but I like to get users aware of the Win 10/AHCI setting/driver issue anyway. I am not aware that any update fixed this.
  2. S

    Seasonic gold for 120 or corsair 750 watt with 10%off

    and on a side note, what are people running (game-wise) that they want to blow money on dual 670's 680's etc? lol
  3. S

    Suggest a psu for this build

    agreed. XfX has good psu's. That one will do fine.
  4. S

    Suggest a psu for this build
  5. S

    New to computer design-Hard Drive issues

    are you sure you are CLEAN of any virus/malware? I have had these hide files on clients' pc's before. were all of your files in one folder? not sure where the "folder is empty" error came from :)
  6. S

    Suggestions on Hard Drives

    these are decent for the price ~$120-130 Should give a bit of performance boost compared to what you have now. With all the flooding and damage in Thailand prices went thru the roof with all the damage. They could no longer keep up...
  7. S

    Good performance?

    Personally i would not even touch a "6" series card. If your budget is $150, go with a single HD6790. Performance-wise, since you asked: especially at a higher res, that single 6790 will beat the daylights out of a crossfired 5670...
  8. S

    New To Building Computers-Need help building my first gaming PC

    the 5770 is surely enough for mid settings. I can run very high and ultra settings on some newer games etc with mine. Then you can put the extra money into 8GB ram, or a 64bit Windows 7. There are many variables though, and everyone will have a different opinion. Monitor: i go with either Acer...
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    personally i would just get: Q9650 cpu another 4GB ram, and RAID 0 your hard drive setup from what you said you don't have your second PCIe-x16 free? otherwise you could sli 2 cards if you wanted :) But another question would be, What do you want to achieve with your system?