Recent content by Scampie

  1. Scampie

    Question Which device for hardwired extended network?

    If I can't get the router to work, what would I need to get wireless and wired connections in a shed. It is hard wired with a single ethernet port.
  2. Scampie

    Question Which device for hardwired extended network?

    I've just had a thought after reading this! I hadn't read about AP mode, but did read about the second suggestion you made. I have done all steps you suggested, setting up the BT homehub outside of the other homehubs ip range. Didn't consider that I've actually brought this home (Setting up...
  3. Scampie

    Question Which device for hardwired extended network?

    Whats the best piece of hardware for use in a hardwired garden room? Basically want the same functionality as a router. Hardwired and wireless connectivity. Have tried using a second router (BT home bub 5), changing ip and turning off dhcp but it intermittently cuts out. One suggestion for...