Recent content by Sean_126

  1. S

    New router(Orbi) and Spectrum modem

    Hey all. Quick question. I just installed my Orbi, and it's great. One question. My main desktop is right next to the modem, so would it be better to have that PC/desktop hardwired(Ethernet) to the modem, or should I still connect it to the Orbi, which is also right next to the modem?
  2. S

    So many Motherboard options: Pull my hair out!

    Hey all Tommers out there. As you can see, I'm overwhelmed with all the many different motherb's out there and the only thing I know is, I want the memory cap to be @ least 64gb for a desktop option and I'm guessing the best Intel i7 processor out there. I'll be using Zbrush, Maya...