Recent content by Seelkadoom Bluestar

  1. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    Question Upgrading from RTX 2060

    I have an RTX 2060 6GB. My monitor is 1080p 144Hz with no plans to upgrade it in the foreseeable future. If anything I'd likely upgrade to 1080p 240Hz. I'm looking to upgrade my GPU for something in the 300$ range. I basically have 3 routes I could go for. 1. New options which are RTX 3060...
  2. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    [SOLVED] Slot B on the motherboard can't go beyond 2800MHz

    Update 2: I have tried disabling the XMP profile completely then just choosing 3200mhz memory multiplier in the BIOS and now the system boots with at 3200mhz! Though I have noticed that tRAS value is now 43 instead of 40 so maybe that was causing all the trouble to begin with? I guess I can mark...
  3. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    [SOLVED] Slot B on the motherboard can't go beyond 2800MHz

    Update: I have tried a set of DDR4 3600 CL 18 memory and the system managed to boot at 3200 cl 18. I suppose this means the 3200 kit is faulty or perhaps a BIOS update can fix it?
  4. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    [SOLVED] Slot B on the motherboard can't go beyond 2800MHz

    No. the build is brand new and was recently assembled except for the memory is 2nd hand.
  5. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    [SOLVED] Slot B on the motherboard can't go beyond 2800MHz

    Just posted the pictures now. Sorry for not posting it earlier
  6. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    [SOLVED] Slot B on the motherboard can't go beyond 2800MHz

    I purchased the memory second hand and was told by the owner they were a pair in one kit. The exact model is PVS48G320C6. this is written on both ram sticks. The problem: Booting the system with one or both memory sticks at stock speeds (2666mhz cl19) is fine but when I enable XMP with both...
  7. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    Timeouts upon joining 40% of servers on an online Steam game

    This problem started to happen about 2 weeks ago. Basically what happens is when I join a server (Official or community) I either timeout right upon joining or it works I can play with no problem. 2 weeks ago, I only did 1 change to my PC and that is upgrading from a GeForce 210 GPU to a GTX...
  8. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    Offering a reward to whoever solves this. Nvidia control panel no option for GPU scaling.....again

    Well, I found something interesting in the monitor but it's still not what I'm looking for. Usually if I run a game at the resolution of 1280 x 720 or 1280 x 1024 , some parts of the screen doesn't appear on the monitor. If I press the Auto button on the monitor, the auto adjustment pop-up...
  9. Seelkadoom Bluestar

    DVI-I to VGA adapter Bad EDID

    Any help?