Recent content by Sekrio

  1. S

    Question GPU suddenly stopped.

    I did use DDU and ran nvidia as admin, I believe the problem was a my second monitor cord just stopped working. which changed my nvidia control panel preference from gpu to cpu. everything is running fine now, just cant use my second monitor
  2. S

    Question GPU suddenly stopped.

    Last night my computer was running fine. Today when I booted I noticed it only displaying one monitor, my log in screen looked like a lower hz as well. I looked at my pc and noticed that the gpu was lit up but the fans were not spinning, My pc is only using either my onboard graphics or my intel...
  3. S

    Question new pc Display driver failing?

    I just quickly checked and it does indeed.
  4. S

    Question new pc Display driver failing?

    Hello around this time last year I had put this pc together: unfortunately I have been having problems and need help troubleshooting my computer. I will be using my computer when all of a sudden the screens will go black and my gpu fans will spike, all...
  5. S

    greyed out text.

    even my favorites bar:
  6. S

    greyed out text.

    Recently reinstalled a clean version of windows and text now looks like it has a grey haze over it: I don't know why this is just happening now as I had the same version of windows before.
  7. S

    Random task popping up

    Everyone once and a while I see this on my desktop for a short while then disappear. I kept tabbing out of my game and it would be there then shortly after disappear. I just want to know how to fix it or get rid of it. ty.
  8. S

    Can I add the same 8gb ram to my existing setup?

    This is my current build: And this is the ram I want to add to it (Its the same thats in my pc atm): I have had this setup for almost a year and a half now, dn if thats needed...
  9. S

    Need Answers ASAP [Need Multiple Opinions]

    Okay now I have purchased all of these parts below. (Except for my GPU because I'm stuck deciding on what to choose) My PC my next paycheck will be around $630 CAD and I have quite a bit of options in my mind and that's why I need help from you guys THE COMMUNITY! Option (1) Monitor: 144hz...
  10. S

    I need help with choosing a monitor!

    I am looking for a good monitor that wont affect my gaming performance. (If possible) Price range: $0 - 200 My build: I hope this is enough information, I do not know much about computers and specs as this was my first build. I just really need help choosing...
  11. S

    First Gaming PC please help

    I currently have $290 and I was looking to buy a pc for around this price My friend built his pc for $280 and it can play most games with really good fps I mostly would like to play minecraft with really high fps. I was just wondering if anyone could either put some parts together for me or find...
  12. S

    Can someone halp meh on finding a pc? srry but i would like to have a cool case like this black or blue lol hope this isnt to much to ask 4 [btw not first priority]
  13. S

    Can someone halp meh on finding a pc?

    Im looking for a pc that can rec/stream with really good fps ill mainly play Minecraft heres a computer link i am looking for a better build [up to date] for around the same price but if i have to bump it up a bit i will...
  14. S

    Parts for my first build

    I would like to build a gaming pc/ recording pc for around $900 the main game i would like to record with REALLY good fps would be Minecraft other than that i would only record games at ultra around 60 fps i hope its not too much to ask but i need help with the parts on this build. The main...