Recent content by Shaclovv Hedgehog

  1. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    What is the best way to install fans?

    I make the blades face outside right? like in the picture The blades facing outside
  2. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    What is the best way to install fans?

    I have 1 case fan in the back of the case and 2 in the very front, the only space left is the top case is in my signiature Enermax Ostrog Gt
  3. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    What is the best way to install fans?

    My GTX 770 is quite a hot card and i jsut bought 2 new fans, what is the best way to set them up? both facing one way, or both facing different directions?
  4. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    Does More ram Make Rendering Videos faster in CS6

    is and 7870 good enough?
  5. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    Does More ram Make Rendering Videos faster in CS6

    I already have 8gb of ram and an 8350 FX cpu, would upgrading ram make rendering videos much faster?
  6. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    computer is running extremely slow

    From the boot up to just me on my desktop not doing anything it's taking 10 minutes to open and empty folder, even the mouse moves slow and glitches
  7. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    AMD 7870 getting extremely low frames on battlefield

    Thank you so much for all your help, if you dont mind can you reccomend 8gb ram under 100$ on amazon? Running on 256mb of ram is difficult :p Once again thank you.
  8. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    AMD 7870 getting extremely low frames on battlefield

    Okay, so it finally booted up, luckily however it went so slow like windows 98 even mouse was slow, absolutley must replace this ram correct?
  9. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    AMD 7870 getting extremely low frames on battlefield

    okay, i tried each slot with 1 same stick of ram, in slot one, it gave 256 memory, however, in the other 3 slots my monitor didn't even get the signal
  10. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    AMD 7870 getting extremely low frames on battlefield

    Okay, right now i have 1 ram stick in slot 1 and the maximum memory says its 256
  11. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    AMD 7870 getting extremely low frames on battlefield

    when im moving the ram to different slots i have to have my computer off right?
  12. Shaclovv Hedgehog

    AMD 7870 getting extremely low frames on battlefield

    yeah it wasn't checked, what does that mean?