Recent content by shaneacook1989

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    [SOLVED] Are these comparable alternatives to WHITE Corsair QL120 Fans?

    So I was wondering if any of these would be comparable alternatives to the 3 pack of the white corsair ql120? I would need 6 total so 2, 3 packs. And this is for an all white build so unfortunately the white does matter...
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    Should I format a new hard drive? And what format should I use? Details.....

    Thank you for all your help everyone!
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    Should I format a new hard drive? And what format should I use? Details.....

    Thank you very much! Last question, should I just use windows quick format or should I use one of the ones in the stools program?
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    Should I format a new hard drive? And what format should I use? Details.....

    I bought a 2 bay hard drive enclosure and 2 8tb baracuda hard drives. I will be using them in single mode, non raid. Should I format them before I start using them? And most importantly what format should I use? I will be storing large 30gb video files and playing/streaming them over my...
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    HELP PLEASE! Mybook duo remove hds and reformat on docking station.

    Hi guys, OK so here is where I am at. I am new to this and not really a computer guy, just know enough to be dangerous lol. So you can laugh at this if you want but throw some helpful insight in as well lol. Looking to buy a lightly used 16 tb wd mybook duo, take the hds out and put both hds...