Recent content by shawnlizzle

  1. S

    are cpu fans needed?

    you don't need one if you have a good enough passive heatsink... which i doubt you do... so yeah, get a fan
  2. S

    Asus EN7800GT Dual , anyone know where to get one?

    not avaliable as retail, not even being commercially made!
  3. S

    Heatsink/Fan for X2 with light OC

    i'm sure you hate your OEM pc 2100 high latency memory ^^
  4. S

    Dual CPU cooler

    even opterons shouldn't go up in the 70s, i doubt it'll even break 50 without overclocking. you probably have a bad mount and not enough air flow
  5. S

    Thermaltake Big Typhoon with ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe

    big typhoon's mounting system is so messed up, most of the time you have to ghetto it. just try some stuff, and i would recommend you to take your mobo out whether you need it or you don't because it will be INCREDIBLELY difficult to install it.
  6. S

    pond pump for liquid cooling

    read my water cooling guide, a bit out dated, but the info on the pumps still stand.
  7. S

    ZALMAN CNPS9500 92mm fan/heatsink

    agreed as far as performance goes, but the zalman is one nice piece of engineering! if only they can scale it up to the 120mm category and i'm pretty sure it'll outperform the si-120
  8. S

    Athlon 64 or dual core?

    if it is just for gaming, then the 4000+ will do better than the dual core, but if you want future proof(unlikely) or do other mult-thread applications, then yeah
  9. S

    Help please! AMD64/AMDFX/INTEL

    cache is built onto the cpu, for matlab, i would get a dual core, but a64s do just fine. (but if you want to do dual core, look into a64 x2 or opterons). as far as motherboards go, a64s don't really matter, for good balance of good overlcocking and easy installing/good UI go for abit, for more...
  10. S

    bit torrenting causing BSOD?

    ....who uses nics these days, on board
  11. S

    bit torrenting causing BSOD?

    i use azu, and yes, i did memtest for 5+ hours
  12. S

    bit torrenting causing BSOD?

    hey guys, i'm stuck on this thing where my comp gets the bsod when i BT too long. i play games, do everything fine even for extended periods of time (5+ hours). but BT causes bsod like every 45 minutes or less
  13. S

    Thermaltake Blue Orb II Intel and AMD #CL-P0257

    great choice! way better than that blue orb
  14. S

    Check this out...

    junk^100000 air can beat that easily
  15. S

    HTPC- Intel or AMD

    i agree with you on everything and i realized the platform restriction on teh pentium M. one thing is that the xp-90 requires a high cfm fan to perform... so look into something like a zalman 7000 for quiet and performance