Recent content by SideKickSam

  1. S

    Upgrade and Get a Free Sidekick, Razr or Crackberry

    Is this not the place for this? I thought this was an open area to place ads? My mistake if I am wrong I will remove the post... It says classified ads... :? Sam
  2. S

    Upgrade and Get a Free Sidekick, Razr or Crackberry

    If you are looking for or in the market for a cell phone and you want a nice one but you dont want to shell out hundreds....than simply check out my link in my sig.... No Gimicks .... No Surveys.. No Emails.. Just a great product that you can save some serious mucho denerio on :D You will...
  3. S

    laptop video

    It seems like Laptops in general are not very user friendly for upgrading anything... But the cost of them have come down so much you could probably resell yours for 500.00 Then go get a brand spakin kick butt laptop for another 700 :) And Wahla... :wink: Side Kick Sam