Recent content by SkylerJacobs

  1. SkylerJacobs

    Is the corsair RM 650w ok for the gtx 970?

    You should be just fine. an i5 4690k and GTX 970 wont pull anywhere near 650 watts.
  2. SkylerJacobs

    Shouldn't I be getting higher frame rates in GTAV?

    First of all, a question. Is your 8350 overclocked? I see 2 possibilities here. 1. Your 8 GB of ram is being fully utilized and is causing FPS drops. 2. Your CPU. FX series CPUs have not that great of single core performance. Games that are very CPU intensive crave single core performance...
  3. SkylerJacobs

    Opinions on the overclock i5-4670k | Msi Z97 Gaming 5

    Task manager does not report clock speed correctly a majority of the time. Very good temps. Still have plenty of room to overclock higher too.
  4. SkylerJacobs

    Best cpu for am2?

    Phenom X4 9950 or Phenom X4 9850.
  5. SkylerJacobs

    Best cpu for am2?

    No reason for buying a new/used CPU for a dead socket. I say its time to buy a new motherboard and CPU, and i recommend Intel.
  6. SkylerJacobs

    Gpu speeds higher than factory??

    Completely safe for the GPU to boost higher. Should have no effect on life of the GPU. Temps may increase by 1-2 Celsius, but will always stay below thermal margins of the GPU. Maximum GPU temp for the GTX 960 is 98 degrees Celsius. You are probably getting nowhere near close to temps in the...
  7. SkylerJacobs

    got a chromebook from school and...

    School gave it to you to use? Very likely they can see everything you do.
  8. SkylerJacobs

    Far Cry 3 and the EVGA GTX 780sc

    What temperature monitoring program were you using? Did you have multiple monitoring programs open at the same time?
  9. SkylerJacobs

    Gpu speeds higher than factory??

    This is GPU Boost doing its job. All Nvidia GPUs have this feature. The GPU will boost higher as long as there is thermal headroom. My 780 6GB for example has an advertised boost clock of 1020 MHz, yet the card itself boosts up to 1100 MHz and still only maxes at 72 degrees Celsius.
  10. SkylerJacobs

    How future proof is the diamond R9 290x?

    Anywhere in the 1050-1150 MHz range on the core clock. Might be able to bump the memory up to 1500 (6000 MHz effective) from the stock 1250 (5000 MHz effective), but may need to add voltage. You will find our just how far you can go when you start dialing in your overclock and testing.
  11. SkylerJacobs

    How future proof is the diamond R9 290x?

    future proof? not at all. Hate the use of that term. Nothing is future proof. As for a realistic answer.. It is likely you will be playing games at ultra/high/medium graphics settings for the next few years. All depending on how demanding the game you will be trying to play is.
  12. SkylerJacobs

    Changing cpu voltage to lower temp?

    Something that comes to mind when i see these posts is... What are your windows power options set to? Balanced is what you want =)
  13. SkylerJacobs

    i dont know weather my pc parts are compatible

    Should all work together. I do not recommend that power supply if you plan to overclock though. Only thing i am not seeing on that parts list is a CPU cooler.
  14. SkylerJacobs

    Should the fans spin on my new build?

    Did you connect the fans to the motherboard or the cases fan controller ? If connected to the fan controller, did you run a molex cable for power to the cases fan controller?