Recent content by SkyNetRising

  1. SkyNetRising

    Question Is my Mobo failing? I can't tell anymore...

    That looked like some oxidation or even mold growth. Do you have a leaking AIO cpu cooler?
  2. SkyNetRising

    Question New m.2 can't install windows on it

    Install windows with only single drive connected. If you install on M.2 drive, then physically disconnect all other HDDs/SSDs. After you install windows in UEFI mode, then set first boot device in boot priority to Windows Boot Manager.
  3. SkyNetRising

    Question Expanding SATA Ports on Asus Prime B660M-A WiFi D4 for a Mini NAS Build

    Why would you need SAS controller? Are you going to use SAS HDDs? For SATA drives you do not need a SAS card. A regular SATA controller card will do everything you need. What for? Motherboard has integrated network card. Why would you need multiple network cards?
  4. SkyNetRising

    Question CPU water cooling pump is extremely loud during Windows startup (100%)/boot after updating BIOS ?

    Pump should run at constant speed. It doesn't need to be regulated. You regulate radiator fans (not pump).
  5. SkyNetRising

    Question I'm looking fora new PC but I'm overwhelmed ?

    Basically any new pc will do, what you have described there. External DVD drive will need to be purchased separately though.
  6. SkyNetRising

    Question Conflicting HDD status: 'Pre-fail' and 'Old_age' in Smartmontools but 'Good' in CrystalDiskInfo ?

    Type - means type of the SMART attribute. It doesn't mean (by itself), that attribute has reached old-age or pre-fail levels. Only that at certain values it CAN reach old-age or pre-fail levels. TLDR. If CrystaldiskInfo says, it's good, then it's good. None of SMART attributes have reached...
  7. SkyNetRising

    Question Added fans and AIO fans spinning, but no RGB

    Switch around rgb connectors. May be on one of your fans RGB is broken and it is preventing RGB on remaining fans to work.
  8. SkyNetRising

    Question Added fans and AIO fans spinning, but no RGB

    Can you show, how you have fans connected to the fan hub? (upload photo to and post link) Generally RGB has to be connected in a chain (specific order). Look for RGB port numbers. So if there are RGB headers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 then you have to connect your 6 fans to headers 1-6 and not...
  9. SkyNetRising

    [SOLVED] SMT won’t enable - - I'm stuck with 8 cores and 8 threads ?

    Can you show screenshots from? Task Manager - Performance/CPU section and msconfig - Boot/Advanced options and BIOS - where it says SMT is enabled (upload to and post link)
  10. SkyNetRising

    Question Turbo Boost - - on or off ?

    Yes. No. Unless you're doing heavy overclocking. No. Doesn't impact longevity. Even with turbo boost enabled you're still running within spec. Probably not. Unless your laptop battery has worn out and you have to conserve power at all cost.
  11. SkyNetRising

    Question PC underperforming, dropping fps after a minute or two

    Yeah. Your case has closed front. It's not suitable for a gaming pc. There are plenty of excellent case options. Depends, how much you can spend. Fractal Design - Meshify 2 Mini would be a good option.
  12. SkyNetRising

    Question Windows UEFI mode

    You have to check partitioning style of your OS drive. If OS drive is partitioned in MBR, then you have to convert it to GPT, to make UEFI compatible. This can be done with mbr2gpt utility. Please show screenshot from Disk Management first. (upload to and post link) Why do you want...
  13. SkyNetRising

    Question PC underperforming, dropping fps after a minute or two

    Your rear exhaust fan has died. Your pc doesn't have any intake fans. There's simply no airflow. Your pc case is not meant for gaming grade components. Can you show photo of your pc from front? You'd probably have to get a new modern pc case also - with mesh front and proper airflow.
  14. SkyNetRising

    Question Bad System Config Error

    Boot from windows installation media.
  15. SkyNetRising

    Question Using a USB 3.0 to HDMI converter ?

    If you have killed the only HDMI-in port on your AIO pc, then you can't use it as monitor anymore. Not possible. Not going to work, no matter, what you do.