Recent content by smartshoaib_007

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    Recommend a PSU!

  2. S

    Recommend a PSU!

  3. S

    Recommend a PSU!

    Hi guys, I am building a new rig for myself. I am not really sure about the PSU. Here are some details about what I have and what I want: what I have: DH55TC Mobo Core i5 - 760 Samsung DVD Writer RS-600 PSU from Cooler Master, its about 4-4.5yrs old. 2 x 1TB HDD 1 x 2TB HDD 1 x MSi GTX 760...
  4. S

    Better Motherboard than DH55TC

    Hi guys, I am looking for a board which has better config than DH55TC and comparable pricing and supports my core i5 (first gen). Please suggest. My config is: DH55TC Core i5 First Gen 6GB DDR3 MSi GTX460 3TB HDD Cooler Master 650W PSU