Recent content by Sokuaisushi

  1. Sokuaisushi

    Walkthrough [Build Log] -ColorFalls- A RGB Wall Hanging 3D Printed Case!

    This is so awesome! The colors for each cube shine through and look amazing too! Do you use RGB and W LEDs to get such perfect color like that, or just nice RGB LEDs?
  2. Sokuaisushi

    Question Are my i5-7600k and GTX 1070 bottleneck in 1440p?

    If possible you could try it on a different 2k monitor and see if it has the same issue. That would at least rule out a faulty monitor. The thermals all seem normal, and well within their usable range. Edit: One of the only other things I can think of really is if the monitor is G-Sync and...
  3. Sokuaisushi

    Question Are my i5-7600k and GTX 1070 bottleneck in 1440p?

    I'm not an expert on these things, but I think with the settings you have at 2k you're hitting the limit of what your GPU can handle without being overclocked. Edit: I read more into the thread and that doesn't sound like what is happening.