Recent content by Somasis_1

  1. S

    About corei5 4690 processor

    So is overclocking n turbo boost same thing?
  2. S

    About corei5 4690 processor

    Hi, i just wanted to know if my corei5 4690 processor support my gtx 750ti perfectly without bottlenecking each other also if my asus h81-cs mobo support its overclocking nd whther i would need a k-edition of this cpu to overclock?? Thanks
  3. S

    How many ampere does corsair vs550 has on its 12v rail?

    Then how abt vs450 u.k model it has 34amps on 12vrail i heard?
  4. S

    How many ampere does corsair vs550 has on its 12v rail?

    I think vs550 is enough to power my msi gtx 750ti wt do u think??
  5. S

    How many ampere does corsair vs550 has on its 12v rail?

    I want to buy a new psu and currently hv my eyes on this vs550 from corsair :)
  6. S

    What is a pci port?

    My mobo is asus h81m-cs
  7. S

    What is a pci port?

    I wanna know what that small pci port next to the express port for???