Recent content by Sophiecutiepie

  1. S

    Question Computer stopped working when gaming

    I have just done that, this issue also only seems to happen when I play the game Risk of Rain 2. It happens to no other game. I have yet to try it again with newer drivers and the clean install of them
  2. S

    Question Computer stopped working when gaming

    My PSU is CORSAIR 750W CS SERIES™ MODULAR 80 PLUS® GOLD, ULTRA QUIET If you need more details do let me know and thank you for your reply!
  3. S

    Question Computer stopped working when gaming

    I loaded up a game and was met with a black screen. The only way to fix it was to force shutdown. I look through the error logs and such, and this is what I found. Could anyone give me more details on it? Source Windows Summary Hardware error Date ‎29/‎03/‎2019 10:26 PM Status Not reported...